I'm loving the bracken & molinia shades.
I used the expressive mode on my camera for today's blip. The colours across the heath are fabulous, especially when the sunlight catches them. I'm easily pleased. Plenty of birdsong, nuthatches calling, thrush singing it's heart out, & away in the distance, a greater spotted woodpecker tapping away.The DWT have'nt fixed the fence where the birch trunk has fallen. Did'nt think they would given the response from one of their staff.
Had lunch with Mum then I suggested a walk up around the heath for her to see where the bracken & scrub has been mown. She has a faster walking pace than me, from when she has Indie towing her around. A little unsteady on the uneven ground but fine along Black path. I spotted a potential thumb stick for hubby while we were walking.
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