
A nothing Blip in some ways.

In others... you can see North Berwick Law on the horizon, and the snow covered hills - Lammermuirs maybe?

Then there's the sea of course, and the optimistic outdoor seating at the pub. Only 3º, and a fierce easterly wind, so no outdoor boozers today.

It also demonstrates one of the the joys of where I live - the sea around every corner. I was in that part of town to buy a kebab after a meeting finished at the back of 7 - too late to start cooking.

I surprised the staff by going for the köfte one, and taking salad on it. Most locals want chips with cheese, I think. That led to a nice chat about the respective merits of the Asian and European sides in Istanbul.

I made my excuses before we got onto the subject of football. My son has told me they have divided loyalties in there (between Galatasaray and Fenerebahçe), so care has to be taken.


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