Dishwasher saga
Back in late 2021 the dishwasher packed up with an E19 error code. You may remember my blip about it at the time. Well the replacement part came but the wrong one had been sent, so much discussion later part was returned. Changed our supplier and ordered part which came really quickly and yay! Correct part.
Yesterday, husband fitted the part, put the machine back together and switched it back on. It sulked for a few minutes and gave us another error code E15 which is check water. So after more googling and you-tubing, we tipped it on its side and emptied the water out (our kitchen floor is quarry tiled). Put most of it back, switched it on and LO! It did start and counter and wash our dishes for a full cycle. The crockery is clean, the cutlery shiny and the glass sparkly.
Total cost £21.99.
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