Clearly I did not take this but it seemed apt as it was a year today since my first blue envelope arrived. In that year all my family and close friends have been vaccinated, at least twice, in most cases 3 times. Now, Olivia, 7, has had her first jag and her sister will get her's soon as she is 5 next month. What an amazing achievement, though sad that the rates in poorer countries are lower.
Of course another anniversary today - 70 years. A constant in my life. Whatever, you think of monarchy it is a unique achievement.
I lay in bed an listen to 'Annika Stranded', a 14 minute epsode but I kept falling asleep after about 4!
Had a brief video call with KL. Olivia said her jag stung. They were just back from the pool. Amelia can swim breadths and Olivia did a length in just over a minute. I'll have to speed up before I go back out.
A very long Coffee Club at #13. Holidays were discussed and there may be a Pilates group. I cam hoe and thought about holidays and looked again at the place in Crete. I should just book. Outside it was very cold and there was a wee snow shower later on. I surfed then made soup for the week - celery, carrot, a mushroom, a tiny morsel of neep and some parsnip, with a lot of ginger.
Tonight is looking back 70 years and then looking back 50 years. Nostalgia!
Olivia chose this photo booth. Others were available. #1 d in l didn't know what PICKids stands for either. The programme started on 3 February so Olivia has got hers right at the start. It's a low does of Pfizer for vaccine geeks.
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