Waxwings outside Inverness College, late this afternoon.

Just a quick snap, that's none too sharp in bigger sizes. Doesn't compare with some excellent Blips by others, but does record their presence. And after yesterday's jest about Twitchers, and not having any evidence of birds seen, this is the last thing I'd have guessed would be today's Blip!

This is the first Winter* that I've ever seen Waxwings about for the whole period. Normally they're just here for a couple of weeks at the beginning of Winter, or late Autumn. There were about eight of them. Gorging themselves on Cotoneaster berries, and then flying to this little cherry tree, for a break. Must be building up for the flight to their Summer quarters. Beautiful birds, that can be easily missed if you're not attuned to their fairly gentle trilling call.

* It's still Winter up here, with more snow this morning, and flakes throughout the day. Nevermind the snowdrops and a few daffodils!

(In other news, Margaret Thatcher, died today. Those that lived and worked through her era as our Prime Minister, will not forget her. Nor forgive her...)

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