Mike’s Photo Journal

By iPhone_User

Church on Sunday #4 - A Mini Maze

It’s Sunday…and my Sunday Church theme day.  I write this after having returned from today’s little drive to find a decent church to photograph. It was still very windy out this morning with the odd shower zooming across whilst I was driving.

Some churches can be quite challenging to photograph as to get the whole church in, plenty of space is generally needed, but this one was far enough back from the road. I thought about having a little walking around, but the gate was locked, and even though I could not see anyone around,  I was not about to climb over this little wall just to get a different viewpoint.  And anyhow, I liked the stone wall with all that moss.

Sunday dinner will be ready soon, although as I say to my wife when she calls out “Dinner is on the table”, I have been known to reply “I’d prefer it on a plate” but hey, that’s just my warped sense of humour.  Anyhow,  with a couple of glasses of wine accompanying the meal, , it will soon be time to move into “chillout mode” with another glass of wine and a few pieces of cheese. 

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