By lizzie_birkett

A good time was had by all!

Back in the land of Blip! 
Last night was the best night out we’ve had in a long time. I have to confess we were expecting the usual ‘brown dingy hall’ sitting waiting for Lucy’s group to perform so we could go home at a reasonable time.
Wow! What a surprise we were in for and what a night it was.
It was a lovely bright church hall with interesting decor and all done up with sparkles. The tables and chairs were done up as if for a wedding. There was a bar and a buffet. The performances were brilliant but wee Lucy came into her own after that when she and her friends got up on the stage to do their own thing. What a mover she is - obviously she takes after Grandma! ;-D)). We had such a great time we stayed till the end - 11 pm. We were just entertained watching the kids on the dance floor when it was Disco time and I got up and joined them - although they soon left me to strut my stuff on my own! Me embarrassing? Noooo!
As it was Lucy’s dance class evening, Amelia didn’t know any of the kids but soon made friends with another little girl and they had a whale of a time and also included a lovely girl who has Down’s Syndrome and together they danced the night away. It was lovely to see and Amelia was sad when they had to say goodbye at the end.
We had a lie in this morning as the girls were so tired.

Lucy’s Gala Dance

Oh the excitement, we’re going to a show
Of little dancers all in a row
Pointy wee feet in ballet shoes
Twirling about in pink tutus.
At the end the applause was loud and 
The little dancers were so proud
Then what else was in store?
A disco so Grandma took to the floor!


Friday was also a busy day.
We took the girls to school and then Frank took me into Coatbridge later to meet Marc. The only place close to where his flat is was McDonalds so he asked me to meet him there. The weather then started and it was atrocious, heavy snow and sleet and freezing cold. We spent a couple of hours there. I ended up having a McPlant Burger. Not too impressed though, it was all a bit gooey. Also, as they now cater for vegans with one item of food on the menu I assumed they would have plant milk for their hot drinks but when I asked for tea with soya milk they said no, they only have skimmed milk. What the heck? I never go there and won’t be back.
It was nice to spend time together. We talk about all kinds of things, politics (grrrr), the environment, what he’s planning to make - an amplifier for his guitar. He can build one from scratch and has previously built a guitar which he sold. There’s nothing my son can’t build or fix, from a car, to a computer. 
When it was time to go we walked towards Airdrie in the heaviest sleet and snow we were drenched. He only needed to go to the chemist for his prescription and then I phoned Frank to pick me up. 
I then had an hour and a half to rest before we had to get the girls from school and drive to Stirling for ice skating. We didn’t get back till 6pm. That’s why I was worn out on Friday night.

Meeting with my Son

The weather was grim as I ventured out
And as it got worse I began to doubt
The wisdom in our decision to meet
For now it was heavy snow and sleet
But I didn’t want to let you down 
And anyway it’s not far into town
And I desperately wanted to see you
For the occasions we meet are few
And I’m glad I went in the end
It was lovely to chat and spend
A couple of hours together
Even if to get out of the weather
McDonald’s was the only place
It was so good to see your face
Discuss the world, hear your views
Give you advice as mums tend to do. 
Go easy on yourself, I know life is hard
You feel that from happiness you’re barred
But one day soon - I know you’ll find
A meaning to life and peace of mind.

Today (Sunday) we’ve had a restful day by the wood burner. Amelia and Lucy have been playing nicely. We played Kids Game of Life with Lucy while Amelia had time out on a computer game with her friend - remotely.
I introduced the girls to ‘Ghosts’ on iPlayer. I wasn’t sure whether they would get it but they did. It’s really funny and not scary. 

Another poem for today then I’m up to date!

Waiting for Spring

I’m waiting for that morning in Spring
When the sun remembers to shine
When the air feels warm on my face
And on Winter we can draw a line

When primroses burst out on the banks
And new leaves appear on the trees
Then the scent of flowering blackcurrant
And the buzzing of the first honey bees

Meanwhile we’ll stay cosy indoors
Staying dry while outdoors it sleets
Wait for the day we can shed our layers
When the warmth of the sun we can greet.

Thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts Blippers. They are so appreciated.

Goodnight :-)X

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