
By KKBonawe

Pipes delivered on time.......

on one of the best Monday's at work so far this year! What a magical start to the week. By 10am we had walked out to the site where we hoped the helicopter would appear with the pipes for the start of the next hydro project. Just reached our destination and the first two appeared over the hill.

For a little while it was an escape from the bureaucratic nightmare of paperwork that usually surrounds us!

Not for long though once I had all the photographic info we needed it was back to form filling all the way back down the road.

Tracking skills were not good today, missed a good shot of a Woodcock - seriously annoyed about that, quite happy with shots of Willie Wagtails and not so good shots of Red Breasted Mergansers on the way home but lovely to see them all.

But the best part of my day was out on the hills so my blip has to be of this morning in Acharacle.

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