Gitama's World

By Gitama

Up to See Ma and Pa

Today I felt well enough to drive up the coast to see Ma and Pa.
I took my camera with me to take a few pics on the way.
Alas…… after jumping out of the car into sloshy mud…..I squared up my shot only to be told my battery was dead…….jeez!….. so another I phone pic is all I could get along with a muddy carpet in my new car …. Double jeez! I do love the rows of new shoots…. It makes me feel happy even if it is just sugar cane.

After spending a few hours with the folk I was ready to go home … however for some reason I drove the wrong way and was heading north to Brissie instead of south homeward…. What a twit.
It was nice to be out and to spend some time with the folk but it was so fabulous to get home finally.

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