Bathurst heritage

In 1814 there was no road over the Blue Mountains from Sydney to the western plains. There was a Government outpost in the Bathurst area and new land was needed to enable the colony to support itself. Lieutenant William Cox was appointed to construct a road. He had 30 convicts and a guard of 8 soldiers. 

Within 6 months they had constructed a road 100 miles long from the Nepean River to the Macquarie River for carts, carriages and foot traffic. Governor Macquarie ( I guess he was named after the river lol) travelled west and proclaimed the township of Bathurst on 7th May 1815. 

If anyone knows how rugged the Blue Mountains are you would appreciate the work that went into this in just 6 months. 

The road is still in use in part with these signs along the route. The road ends near our place at the river. I have a friend whose maiden name was Cox. I asked if she was related and she said “yes”. 

It’s a bit like the Roman Road or Appian Way ( only younger). 

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