
By PelorusJack

Bowenfels rail viaducts

Just west of Lithgow there are two sets of viaducts side by side, the older (now disused) viaducts being built in 1870 with the "newer" viaducts, still in use, built in 1921 for the duplication of the line from Bowenfels to Wallerawang.
I've often caught glimpses of them as I whizzed past at 100kph on The Great Western Highway, and thought what great photo subjects they'd make, so this morning I took some time and explored a bit.
It's not as easy as it seems! The viaducts are all well set back on private land surrounded by secure fences with a strand of "don't even think about it" barbed wire on top, or you need to take your life in your hands and pull over in the breakdown lane of the highway, hazard lights flashing, while the traffic screams past at high speed.
The things we do for our craft ;-)
The first extra is from the other side, and the second extra is a cameo of the second set of viaducts at Marrangaroo, a little to the north of Bowenfels, and even harder to photograph.

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