Great Day

A thoroughly enjoyable day. Ralph came this morning, bringing his little dog Pip, who I haven't met before.and we spent the next couple of hours getting several DIY and maintenance things done around the house and garden, in between several cups of coffee and a lot of catch up chat.  At lunchtime we were joined by my bro and the three of us chit chatted for an hour.  A beautiful sunny day, Gareth and I then decided to go out and have lunch somewhere.  That somewhere ended up being the White Horse in Great Baddow where the food was delicious and the atmosphere very comfortable. We grew up in Great Baddow village so of course we both wandered down memory lane as we sat in the pub, and took a short walk around the village afterwards, by which time the beautiful sunshine had gone.  Back home late afternoon for knitting and a virtual chat via FB with Cat and Graham in Akbuk when they sent me several pics of Harry in their flat having cuddles and sitting on Graham's  lap. Jealous.  Of course, this was whilst I watched the Rugby - what a game!  Very exciting though I'm sorry England didn't win. Bro came back for dinner and we watched 'Independence Day' -  love this film, it ticks all the boxes for a comfy easy Saturday night's home viewing. Great stuff. Bro's gone home now and I'm half watching TV whilst I knit a few more rows of my recently blipped project, feeling very content. Hope you had a great day too :)

The White Horse was a coaching inn and dates from C17th, one of many C16th-C19th buildings in the centre of the village. 

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