Emergency dinner blip

Second time this week I've resorted to blipping our dinner.  It was rather nice and colourful, but still - I need to try harder to find photos of more interesting stuff.

After another disturbed night, we slept late this morning, and were disturbed whilst still getting dressed by a surveyor for the buyers - we had understood him to be coming at 10.00, he said the appointment time was "between 9.30 and 10.30" and he arrived dead on 9.30!  I answered the door in my dressing gown, as W was still trouserless.  Fortunately, despite the rain, he was happy to start outside, whilst I quickly threw on some clothes, and then tidied the upstairs landing where clothes awaiting the charity shop were piled high.

He seemed quite thorough - we await to see if the buyers try to reduce their offer on the basis of the survey - as an older property, there are always "things to do" in the way of maintenance.

Once he had left, we had a late breakfast, and then I spent a little time in the studio, finishing one of the placemats I'm making for Z.  

One of my computer monitors gave up working a few days ago, and despite the fact that W thinks one is plenty I have got so used to having two that I wanted to replace it.  So I went off to the computer shop to buy a new monitor - not much choice, and they were all rather bigger than I really needed, but I got the smallest one, that had been opened and resealed, for a reduced price.  The shop assistant said he has three monitors, and cannot manage with any fewer!  I also dropped off two bags of clothes and shoes at a charity shop.  Then to the farm shop to stock up on fruit and veggies, and finally to the surgery to pick up the medication that W forgot twice on Wednesday! 

Once I was back, we spent some time moving wood into the woodshed - but it was very cold, so we only managed about half of it - the rest will still be there tomorrow.

And whilst I lit the fire and collapsed in front of it, W made roast veggies.

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