An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Buds of Hope...

Backblipped 08.04.13

Woke up to a beautiful sunny morning and blue skies. Amazing how some sunshine lifts your mood.

Spent a lovely day with Alan, who has taken to waking up really early this week! Typical! When he needs to get up early, you just about have to jump on him to make up stir!

Alan also spent some time with his new support worker, Eddie this afternoon and they went out for a wander. They saw some horses and ended up at Gleneagles. Next time they've to take bread for the swans. They are getting on so well together. Eddie has tuned right into Alan's sense of humour and they are thick as thieves.

Spent some time in the garden this afternoon when Alan and Eddie were out on their ramble and was delighted to see some buds emerging. Spring is definitely here :)

In other news, I have chosen the curtain pole and finials for the new curtains for the lounge. They are getting fitted on Monday. Ten months since we moved in and finally getting curtains. It's been a stressful journey. I can't wait! :))))

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