A Carpet-Cleaning sort of day.

After taking Buddy to pick up Joanne from work Marlane got started on the task of changing the flower bowl in the sitting room. It's quite a complex work of art. She has a box, kept in the garage, of all different types of very good quality artificial flowers. the ones in the bowl, until today, were Poppies but there is a set piece in the bowl of green leaves. Today the Poppies were changed for Peonies, which can be seen in the bottom right of the picture.
My job was to get on with vacuuming and cleaning the carpets downstairs. With the constant looking after children, who like to go out into the garden no matter what the weather, carpets can get quite grubby with all of the little muddy feet.
We have a Bex Bissel carpet cleaner, very efficient and easy to use. We had a VAX a few years ago but after the guarantee ran it things started to go wrong with it. I wouldn't have faith in another one with such a short lifespan, considering how much they cost.
It really makes a difference to see them all nice and clean, with those stripes that come with proper cleaning.

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