Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Wednesday — Catch a Wave

Shortly after 1:30 I told Mr. Fun I’d be back sooner rather than later and I left him with his model cars to decide which one he’d choose next to build and to also contemplate the insides of his eyelids (I was fairly sure he’d nap while I was gone).

I had decided to walk to the pier and back, just for the fun of it, not to mention the exercise.

I arrived at my destination in less than 15 minutes, maybe less than 10, I forgot to set my timer. It was a fabulous summer day in the middle of winter. When I got to the entrance to the pier I decided to walk to the end. The wind was mild, barely a breeze, and almost no one was on the pier.

The walk back to the house was of course more difficult; it’s all a steady uphill climb. I managed. I was glad I had made the effort.

Then we put harnesses and leashes on the two pups, put them in the car, and we headed to a good place for them to walk, the back bay. The wind there was nil and we had a fun walk.

Back home and after dinner, we watched Pastor Jack Hibbs and Amir Tsarfati for their evening called “Behold Israel.” Listening to them was the opportunity to learn history as it is happening. Here’s the link if you care to watch & listen

Good night from
California’s Central Coast
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe

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