Although the light was poor I was interested in the Christmas trees along the high tide mark at Musselburgh. Due to climate change with the threat of increased coastal flooding affecting parts of Musselburgh, a local action group have tried to find natural solutions to protect the town.  The proposed sea wall has not been popular so the group asked for old Christmas trees to strengthen the low dunes and still allow views of the sea.  Experiments in other parts of Britain have been successful as the branches and pines from the Christmas trees stick out of the beach and trap sand particles as they drift ashore, helping sand to accumulate and eventually build new dunes. Although the trees have been at Fisherrrow Sands for only a few days they are already capturing some sand but many more will be needed to make an appreciable effect to stop rising sea levels wreaking havoc in the future especially with large waves like there were in the wild weather last weekend.

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