Wednesday...White Pelicans, White Boat

People look at the white pelican and marvel at their beauty and size. And, rightly so. But, at least the ones that I see in this area, are both aggressive and tend to be bullies.

Take this picture as an example. In the back end of the white boat, a group of brown pelicans have discovered a bag full of stinky bait fish, and are ripping the bag apart. Some other brown pelicans can't get a spot on the boat, so they are waiting on the other side of the boat for dropped fish (It is a frenzy.) The white pelicans don't want to do any of the hard work, so they just wait for one of the brown pelicans to grab a fish...and then they ATTACK! Sometimes, the brown relinquishes his catch, and sometimes he can fly away with his breakfast.

Such drama.

In the extras is a mistake. I was shooting something at a very slow speed when a blue heron flew in. I just barely got him/her in frame, but it turned out to be quite a "ghostly" image. 

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