Pocket Monsters

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Today was another big day. It feels like so many things are happening all at once and sometimes it is hard to keep up. 

But it is the good kind of busy. I'm exhausted, but happy.

Today I worked all morning but then headed over to Fazzy's house at noon because it is Zay's 8th birthday. I bought him a Pokemon plushie. 

I want to say "Charmander"? Look I have no idea. But both Zay and Hani were very excited about it and ran around shouting "Charmander!!!" so I guess it was good?

I am so old.

Honestly, I have never felt so loved as when I walk through Fazzy's door. Those little people attach themselves to me and hug my legs and want me to look at all the things and tell me about all the things and have their lunch next to me and everything.

That reminds me. Shahier made lunch and it was AMAZING. Then we played Mario Kart and Wii Sports and I was IN NO MOOD to then have to have meetings. 

But that's what we did. Fazzy and I met up with Ellie at three o'clock to discuss "training collateral". Ellie was as entertaining as ever, still singing all her thoughts. "Coll-a-ter-al meeee-eeee-eeeeting! Do I have time - for a - coooooffeeeeee?? No I don't! Peein' my pants in a meeee-eeee-eeeeting... f*ck yea!"

She also took a break when she was showing us something to break in with "doo doop doop doo doo el-e-vator muuu-sic!"

I was crying. Ellie makes me cry.

Fazzy also cracks me up and she took me to Porirua mall after saying goodbye to her family, so she could buy some school supplies (school starts tomorrow) and we spent the entire time laughing. 

I told her how happy her company makes me and she said the nicest thing. She told me that she thinks what I see in her is just a mirror of how I make her feel. Apparently she also finds my company "calming" - because I have also said that about her.  

It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside to have found a friend as lovely as Fazzy. And her family. 

And now I am exhausted. But so happy.


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