
By AmeliaJane

Day 83

What a horrible night.

Yesterday AJ had her first vaccines shots and drink. Mummy and nana took her for them, as I had to work. After each shot, a blood curdling scream.

After the drink, she wanted to know where the rest was… Not surprising. Hungry child.

Calpol administered as directed and she had a great sleep in the afternoon.

When she woke up, you would have literally thought someone was trying to murder her. The crying was unbearable. They tell you to expect a rough time and some upset. But this was a whole new level.

Knowing we were likely in for a rough night and knowing I had to work the next day, super mum told me to sleep in the spare room.

About 2am I woke and could here the crying from the other room, so I went to see how things where. Both mum and AJ where struggling. Not one drop of sleep, a lot of high pitched crying, mixed with a very fidgety baby was not a good combination.

Checked her temp and it was high. Because of that, the fact we had given all the calpol we could and all the high pitched screaming, I suggested we call NHS24.

They were excellent. Quick and efficient. Asked us to take her to A&E for a checkup. Unfortunately due to COVID rules. Only mum could go in so I sat in the car.

Eventually they decide to admit her. Give her more pain relief. Eventually they discover another infection. So here are the intravenous antibiotics.

The poor thing hasn’t had much luck.

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