Stump work.
I called to see a friend this morning and she entertained me in her sewing room. This room is upstairs and her table is at the window and has a good light, Jenny and I used to go to craft classes at the WI’s Denman College together, now sadly closed. Jenny went on to develop her skills on another level, and now specialises in stump work, a beautiful Elizabethan embroidery that includes three d motifs. She kindly agreed that I could photograph her current project for my blip. She is covering a box, and this piece is for the lid. The sides depict the four seasons.
I’m looking forward to this evening when the WI Mahjong group are going out for a meal together to celebrate the Chinese New Year. We quite often go for a Chinese or Thai meal at this time of year, but for some reason this year we are going to a pub.
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