Man Down

Storm Corrie managed what Arwen and Malik didn’t and felled this old cherry tree lining Coronation Walk in the Meadows. Judging by its position, I imagine it was planted back in 1953 which makes it almost 70 years old.

The parks department of the Council will no doubt plant a young cherry tree to replace it but I will not be around to see it in full maturity even if it is left unscathed by the thugs that roam public spaces . There will be a gap in the cherry blossom line up this spring.

It was extremely blowy but exhilarating in the sea this morning. The wind direction didn’t produce big waves but the water was what I would call ‘lively’. We made 10 minutes before we called it a day and got out. Trying to dress in a gusty wind which is doing it best to thwart any efforts is difficult. At least I got suitably dressed under my Dry Robe- I can’t say the same for Sue although she did have her socks and boots on - the bare minimum!

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