I had a lazy morning this morning and didn’t get up until 9.30 - well after Mr. HCB had gone out for his walk, and I felt very refreshed, although I did dream a lot last night.  I can often remember my dreams and Mr. HCB often laughs when I recount them to him.  

I got up slowly and decided to have my Quiet Time before I went downstairs, which I enjoyed.  I am reading and listening to The Bible in One Year and it not only starts my day right, but gives me greater insight into how to interpret Bible passages and how it applies to my life.  

I know that some people don’t believe in the Bible or even in God, and that’s fine - I respect your opinion and I hope you respect mine - after all it would be a dull old world if we all believed and did the same things, wouldn’t it?

When I got downstairs, I was looking around for something Tiny for today’s challenge, and thought that the Phalaenopsis orchid that Mr. HCB bought me a couple of weeks ago would look good and had not only tiny tendrils, but tiny buds on it too.  The colour isn’t one I would have chosen, but Mr. HCB liked it, so here it is, for its 15 minutes of fame on Blip today.

Some weeks ago, I found an old tape of me singing way back in 1973/4 when the Minister of Immanuel Church, Norman Charlton, used to record services for Hospital Radio and I would often sing on my own and with him.  A man called Danny Jones, who used to be a cinema organist used to accompany us, and it was lovely to be able to be transported back to those days;  my voice was considerably sweeter then and I could reach the high notes very well - although I’m not as good at getting up there these days!  I thought it might be a good idea to have this put onto a CD so that I could send it to my sister in America, so contacted someone who lives in a village nearby who does this sort of thing.  

On the reverse of the same tape is more of me singing, with a friend, Helen Thomas, accompanying me, which was recorded in her front room in 1987, so still quite a long time ago.  As I explained to Ian at Take One Studios when I spoke to him earlier, there is rather a lot of what I believe used to be called “Wow and flutter” on the tape;  he said they would do their best and it would be ready in about a week.  Even if I don’t listen to it that much, I guess it would be good to leave to grandchildren, and perhaps when they are much older, they might like to hear Grandma warbling! 

I heard this quote when I was listening to The Bible in One Year this morning - it might help someone:

“Strength grows through struggles,
     courage develops in challenges
          and wisdom matures from wounds.”
Nicky Gumbel

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