In asynchronus mode..

By Mobius


..about standing

well the US had Trump
fake person
fake news

we watched his impeachment
with disbelief
with despair

it could only happen in America
or so we thought

now we have Boris
fake person
fake news

we watched his statement in parliament
with disbelief
with despair

it's happened in the UK
democracy further weakened
how can we remain proud
with that crowd

a dark door for a dark day
much of the world looks on with dismay
he's no gent
but he's still standing, just
when will he just hit the dust

our once respected establishment
hangs on to it's trust via a hinge by a thread
tarnishing with corruption, dishonour and lies
that includes The Met, no surprise

but does the handle
allow us all the hope
that once and for all
integrity and public service
will return, no joke

Toilet shot from a recent pub visit, gents sitting was via another door.



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