Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Rainbow light

Thank you for your concern, I started the day with the happy news that my test yesterday was negative. To be honest I wasn't surprised, but it's still nice to have the confirmation.
I had an extended phone call with EDF this morning. The display unit for our SMART meter doesn't work. We have an original issue SMART meter and the software on it no longer links with the display unit. We've been told repeatedly that the software is to be updated but we've been waiting over two years now so I felt another call was in order. I would like either a fix or a replacement meter as we have no idea of our usage which was the whole point in getting it in the first place. She's sent me out another unit, I'll have 4 when that one arrives. She's promised to phone back next week so we'll see.
Next I called the dentist, a tooth broke yesterday so I really had to bite the figurative bullet and ask for an appointment. I have one, at the end of June! I couldn't bring myself to lie and say that I was in pain. I have problems going to the dentist at the best of times and I can see that those who, like me, will do anything to avoid going, are going to suffer. It looks like the last 60 plus years of preventative dentistry will all have been for nothing. How very disheartening for the profession.

I met with Ali this afternoon and we took Josie for a wander around Corstorphine finishing, as one does, in the Village Cafe for tea and scones. It was nice to chat and I am so aware how lucky I am to have both daughters - and their own daughters, so close by.

This afternoon we took Colin's car out to have its airbag replaced, it was recalled last year and then there was a delay getting hold of the airbag.

We decided we rather fancied fish and chips this evening so went down to Newhaven once again. Today's blip is the Newhaven light which is lit in various colours. I only had my phone so it's not beautifully sharp, but it is good to look at.
Monday night tonight so quiz night, we're going to miss Only Connect.

Keep safe folks.

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