With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Our Mickey

He came to us after 6 years of abuse and cruelty. He could hardly walk and was afraid of everything, but from the moment we met, he gave and received love in bucketfuls. Scooby learned to love him and received the full face licking with better grace than we could.

Mickey made friends easily with some but not everyone. His nerves and so his heart had suffered too much, but he found great joy in life, bounding around and sitting in the sunshine or more recently just sitting next to mum.

After two days of gradually worsening sleepless nights and struggling for breath, life was becoming painful and only going to spiral rapidly downhill. We are all going to miss him enormously; a curled up ball of intense love has been taken from our sofa and hearts.

If you want a dog, please adopt a rescue dog. They need you as much as you need them and enrich our lives in so many ways.

Night night Mickey, the best of sleeps in the sun xxxx

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