New Snow

Fresh snow, then clearing,
brings a beautiful and bright
new morning to me

~ carliewired

As usual, I was up early sipping my coffee and waiting to see what kind of a day we were going to have. It snowed about 3 inches overnight. I was clearing the driveway at 8 and gone by 8:30. It was partly cloudy and -2 C.

I drove to McArthur Island hoping I would not meet many lynx hunters today. There were only two, but I had to photograph them because I'm astounded by the gear they pack. They were walking along the Rivers Trail near the foot bridge. I crossed the foot bridge so I could get some good shots of these young fellows. I got a shot of the frozen slough from the foot bridge.

I drove over to the southwest corner of the park to look for deer. I found two lovely ladies around the disc golf course. This time I walked into the course to get a good look. They were pawing the snow and finding something to browse on in this area. I looked across the park to catch my mountains in the east. I walked along the south edge to see an open channel in the river alongside the island. 

I stopped on the east side of the park to have a look at the slough on the east side. There's a small rivulet running out to the river there. At the end of it mallard ducks were congregating in a small patch of open water. 

I picked up some breakfast on the way home and got back in time to hear the news at 10 AM. 

N and I are going to shop at the hardware store today. He is going to do some reno projects for me. 

The flooring people have been a huge disappointment. One company did not meet their appointment with me last week. No one showed up at the time agreed upon and did not contact me at all. The second company sent someone to give me an estimate on Wednesday, but nothing has been forthcoming and no one has called me. 

We're expecting a high of 3 C today with a mix of sun and cloud. 

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