Mono Monday . . . Time Capsule

I will be very surprised if I am around in twenty years time so I won't be able to tell Finn when he is twenty one what a loved baby he was.   This photo in a frame is of him being bathed by is dad.  I loved seeing those big hands cradling Finn's head.  Finn was a baby born in the time of Covid 2020 and it was nearly a month before we got to see him.  I took this photo and printed it to go in the frame.  I suspect a printed photo in an artifact you hold will be rare in twenty years time.  I would put it in the time capsule so as a young man he can know there was once a proud  nana called Vicki who liked to take photos.  If you look in the reflection on the cupboard you can see grandad carrying a cup of coffee out of the kitchen.
Thanks to Philippa for this months interesting challenges.   
I thought I would see how long I can keep the song lyrics going:
Picture in a Frame     By Tom Waits

The sun came up, it was blue and gold
Ever since I put your picture in a frame . . .
I'm gonna love you 
Till the wheels come off
Oh Yeah . . .   

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