Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

T-Wood and Caerketton Craigs

A clear and cold start to the day with sunny blue skies. The wind has dropped for the moment, but Storm Corrie is due this afternoon. I did the same route as last week for the Sunday ride, but without the headwind. As I cycle on the moor road there is ice on some of the puddles, but the road surface is fine.I do a loop from West Linton, before heading home. The wind has become a bit stronger, but it is fine. the ride is quite a bit faster than last week's. Today's ride can be seen at Relive here.

Cloudy in the afternoon for the walk up to Swanston. There is a little bit of moisture in the air on the way there. But by the time we get to Swanston, it has cleared, as can be seen in the blip photo and Extra. There are no views of East Lothian, Fife or Ochil Hills. There 's a bit of light rain as we walk along the track at Lothianburn, but that clears quickly as well. By the time we got home, some very dark clouds have appeared. We have only been in for 10 minutes when the rain arrives, and then the wind.

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