
The pumpkin we used at Women’s Fellowship back in October is presenting with serious tooth decay and will need big treatment. It’s been sitting on the kitchen window sill and has reminded me daily of its message Our gratefuls. We’ve got so many!

This evening We4 had a wonderful Zoom call. Valerie was in her ever top form. This morning she needed to pop to the shop opposite her home. She put on a mask but not her hair, just putting the hood of her coat up. The boy at the til asked her to please remove her hood. She replied, laughing, “You might regret asking.” He didn’t quite know how to apologise but she of course put him at his ease.

This week she sees her consultant who will tell her how things are proceeding. Whichever way, she will always be on some kind of treatment. That’s tough to hear but we’re grateful to see her looking so good and this evening she really made us laugh.

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