Window Sill Daffies

Daffodils are the spring flowers that light up a window sill but they don’t age well, whereas tulips seem to me to have more gravitas and become even more interesting as they get older.

With some of the country holding its collective breath after the damage of yesterday’s storm Malik, we have the calm before the arrival of the next storm Corrie.
Just as the afternoon became gloomy with a spot or two of rain, the sun suddenly came out to confuse us but it didn’t take long for the rain to return.

Two of the usual Sunday coffee suspects were absent today because of Covid and Daughter#2 has also Covid in the family. There seems to be more Covid about now than there was two years ago.
However son#2, Luca now recovered and Porty daughter dropped in after lunch to say Happy New Year. It’s been a very long month not seeing them.

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