Gitama's World

By Gitama


...and I am a Blip Member again.

After 5 weeks of the virus I am finally starting to be able sit at my computer now and then to create.
I cant remember feeling so ill ...there were some nights when I could hardly breathe.... (there would be long conversations with the Great Spirit).....and I had my first (very bumpy) ride in an ambulance.
I kinda feel as if I still have a ways to go to regaining full health again but 'BONUS' managing to do more and more each day.

Long story short.......I lost my Blip membership cause I had some trouble with renewing bank card ( too ill to do anything about it)...but....I have just got onto Blip and  paid my dues so I'm back on the deck of the Blip ship again.
I just wanted to let you know (if you get to read this) that if you had a Blip anniversary (I think there were many) and there was no heart from me this is the reason...besides I didnt even have the choof to check my emails...or do anything about them.

 It's only been in the last few days that I have felt inclined to reach out a bit......there is still a lot of cotton wool where my brain is supposed to be.

Anyway as I have been lying around a lot and having snippets of thoughts....I really felt that I wanted to engage more in Blip and I am intending to try and Blip every day as I get better ...VIVA 2022....see how I go.......there is much that I want to change in my life.....I really feel like I have been given another chance and I really don't want to waste it.
I know it all sounds all a bit dramatic...but what a wake up call.

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