By lizzie_birkett

A Wild Night!

Well, what a wild night - and day - that was!
It was blowing a hoolie all last night and through the day. As some of you will know, I cannot abide the wind, not that I’m scared, it’s just unsettling and it makes me irritable if I’m out in it.
I took Bella out this morning as Frank was driving to Bradford to look at an amplifier someone was selling. I had difficulty walking against the wind.
It didn’t feel particularly cold though.
I spent the rest of the the day writing my poem, drawing a couple of pictures and reading my book. Bella has snoozed the day away.
I had to go out in the back garden a couple of times to secure things that were at risk of taking off.
Frank was back at lunchtime and then needed a nap after his late night session yesterday.
It’s been a relaxing day.

A Wild Night

The howling went on throughout the night
Whistling through cracks I never knew were there.
I had that unsettling feeling as I lay,
Trees may be felled, slates may fly through the air.

After breakfast I took the dog out 
I’d have rather not but she really needed to go.
I leaned into that wild, invisible force
Brown leaves swirling, birds tossed to and fro.

Back home, doors and windows firmly shut
Grey clouds skudded through stormy skies
I made a cuppa and dog and me sat by the window 
Watching trees sway, leaves and wrappers flying by.

Hope you are having a peaceful weekend.
Stay cosy and safe.

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