Life and times of us

By Bumpster


A couple of weeks ago a complete stranger offered to purchase a raffle ticket for the children in a shop when I was paying for something at the till. I was oblivious to it until the lady doing the raffle asked for a contact number! The raffle lady said the man had not spoken to the children, just given her £2 to but a ticket each for them!

Anyway imagine C's delight when we got a call from the shop saying his was a winning ticket and could we go and collect his prize. He clung into it for all of 5 mins and then said Nanny could have it if she would carry it!! In return she offered to take C to the toy shop and get him something in return. He choose a Nerf Gun and has not stopped playing with it all day!

Braxton Hicks and some nausea followed a curry last night and Boyzee and I were quite excited for a while and then everything tailed off. Blimey this is getting boring!! Trying to concentrate on other things now and very excited about the Spring Swap. May have to get the sewing machine out and try and be creative :-))

Peace to you all fellow Blippers xx

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