HARDY CYCLAMEN: Butterflies in Flight

Shortly before Christmas, my gardener planted these red & white CYCLAMEN.
He is a man of few words, so I am guessing
they were a seasonal gift. They look
pretty in this sheltered corner under my front window. These seem very happy,
& will be perfect for Valentine’S Day in a few weeks.

This easy to grow perennial seems to love our cool, sometimes damp Winters. There are 23 species that are native to rocky areas of Europe, from France, Italy & over to Serbia. There is even a species native to Somalia in Africa.

The pink, red or white flowers resemble butterflies in flight; & will bloom up to
3 months, after which the plant goes dormant. This plant prefers cool, humid places & bright filtered light, with
temps above 40F (4C). They are not aggressive or invasive.

They don’t seem to mind our wind, which
has been especially fierce recently.

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