Two different looks

MiniMe looking poised and pretty as she watches some of the birds flying around.
MiniMe looking very fat as she spreads out on the bridge to continue watching the birds but also watch me.

I went to have lunch with Birgit and her mother for the first time since before Christmas. It was so nice to get back into the routine

We enjoyed a nice lunch and then Maria did her crossword and I worked on my bead weaving while Birgit actually did work. The three of us discussed the topics and events of the last couple of weeks and just enjoyed one another’s company.

The cold drizzle and sometimes light rain, had begun when it was time for me to head home. Glad I was traveling before dark. It is forecast to become snow sometime overnight but I don’t think it will amount to much.

They are expecting several inches of snow in the Raleigh area and so the Temple has decided to close tomorrow. That means our plans for tomorrow are canceled.

Another week has gone by and the weekend is here. Monday sees the end of the first month of 2022. Where is all this time going?!
Happy Weekend Everyone

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