Mummy's Party

3years 166days

Mummy is ***shhhhh*** 30 this coming Wednesday. Mummy doesnt do surprise parties so thought one should be organised to cancel out the chance of that. So we had a party. Lovely friends came from various UK destinations, including several blipper friends, which was hugely special. Nothing went to plan in the slightest. But my girl looked utterly adorable in her beautiful sailor dress, bow and tap shoes - in a slightly longer, Shirley Temple-esque fashion.

She was a little star. I picked her up from nursery - wearing my party frock to the amusement of the staff. She danced and played while we set up, letting Sarah help her get ready. She had an absolutely fabulous time with her friends during the party. We danced together. She fell asleep in my arms. She had big long sleepy cuddles with various family members. She woke up and we danced some more.

After the party, we had a grown ups sleepover! People slept on every available sleeping device going in our house. Chaos but fabulous fun, and lots of people to play with Katie!

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