Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Strollin' Round Stafford

Rich and I stayed over at Paul and Laura's last night after the King Charles gig, and I did not sleep well at all. Paul and I stayed up til 3:15am watching Hot Tub Time Machine (great white buffalo...), so by the time I went to bed I'd totally travelled through tiredness and was totally awake. I was still awake at 4:45am when I decided to play a few rounds of Candy Crush Saga on my phone... Anyhoo, suffice to say that said lack of sleep meant I spent most of today in a yawny, zombie-esque stupor. We popped to the pub to watch the Everton game this afternoon, and this was the best photo I got all day that wasn't of a beverage; Rich and I walking through Victoria Park to get back to the train station.

...I need my bed...

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