
Pre-sesh photos, it's a kind of ritual.

Home mid-morning from the overnighter at work. Got in to find I appeared to have the house to mesen and there was a new record waiting for me on the kitchen table, having arrived in the post yesterday after I'd left for the aforementioned overnighter. Thought I'd better put it through its paces and stuck it on rather loud whilst I had a couple of coffees, checked emails, faffed around on the internet, etc. It was only a couple of hours later when I went in to my daughter's room to see if the cat was there that.....there was a child! Off school. She'd been there all the time.

"Did I wake you up?"
"Was my music not really loud?"

And then...

"Erm, I wasn't talking to myself or doing anything embarassing or swearing my head off was I?"

Apparently not!


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