
So, our cleaner wasn't able to start today because she is ill. Her covid test was negative but she sensibly decided not to put us at risk, for which I'm grateful.

It did mean that after sorting out the cat litter trays (which I would have had to do anyway) I mopped the kitchen floor. Then I went to use my bike and realised how much mud is caked on it, and once I'd got rid of some of that I was tired and hungry, so I went for a shorter than usual bike ride.

Next time I should eat first!

Asda has delivered our groceries so now I need to go and sort out some food for us all. I'm glad Neil helps. We also need to weigh Rufus and get a pill down his throat, as we do every day. Cats are good for your mental health, so they say.

Things not done include clarinet practice and any German learning. Maybe after dinner. Maybe not!

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