8°C - 28 mph WSW Wind Speed - 45 mph Gusts - Dull and Overcast - Foggy. Very dull with lights on all day! Decided to check my Smart Meter daily usage - found it hadn’t been sending any reading since 31st December 2021 - can’t think why I stopped checking my daily usage this month - laziness probably - but on the other hand it is sending reading to my Energy Monitor, and the electricity company (SSE) is supposed to let you know if it’s not receiving readings daily! Got onto their office - they asked me to take a reading myself - well, I can’t do that because the meter is ceiling high, so they are going to ring me back on Monday, and if the readings are still missing they’ll send someone out to me. Oh well, watch this space - at least I’m still getting electricity. Thought I’d brighten up the day with a Butterfly blip☺
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