
By LifeBeginsAt22

Another Induction!

Had my induction for my new, very posh and pretty gym today! I am so determined to stick my programme and get fit! My Mummy was the one taking these photos (without me and my instructor/friend knowing until the end!!!) she was getting some very funny looks on the treadmill! It was a good job she did though as I completely crashed when I got home this afternoon... I haven't moved for hours! Nothing to do with getting in a 4am this morning! I have been on my laptop changing my address for various things though so I haven't completely wasted the afternoon! I do feel a little guilty as Mummy and Step Daddy have only just sat down for dinner... Mummy's been making me a blind for my room and Step Daddy has been cleaning my car all evening!!!!

I hope everyone's had a lovely weekend, lots of love...

Princess/spoilt brat Emily XxX

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