You Know Why I’m Here

Sunny but cold, high 36 deg F, low predicted to be 29 deg F. For a change, we had nothing pressing for the morning. I took a few pictures with the Canon camera, including this one of a dark eyed junco. Guess this little birdie is signaling we’ll get the snow that’s predicted to start tomorrow afternoon. Then I cleaned up the memory card. Hubby’s truck repairs were finished so we grabbed it from the dealer and went grocery shopping. We got good news - hubby’s blood work was clear and he can have beef and pork again, just less then Americans tend to eat. But we really eat very small meat portions already. My sister and BIL came over to watch a tv special and have dinner. I made a pretty tasty apple pie using fruit from their WV trees. It’s been too long since we’ve gotten together for dinner. After at least 45 minutes of trying, we had to invite our grandson over so he could figure out how to stream a documentary on our tv. I swear he had it running with just a few clicks. But I think hubby was on the right track by then. So, another fun and happy day here. Hope yours was just as nice. Thanks for dropping by, leaving stars and comments. Our new COVID cases number more than doubled from yesterday, 142 new cases in the last 24 hours. Stay safe. “The single most important factor in our long-term happiness is the relationships we have with our family and close friends.” — Clayton M. Christensen

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