In the frame

A bit lighter this morning, as has been my mood, and a bit lighter later this afternoon too :-)

Alarm needed to make sure I was up and ready, out just after 9, met my sis by 10. Traffic on the motorway was very busy.

We did our usual shopping, Ashton indoor market, before lunch, which was a wrap and coffee in Costa. A brief trip to Sainsbury’s and M&S before going our separate ways, as I had a hair appointment.

Todays blip is the ‘back side’ of an old mill like building just off the Square in Ashton, I was really taken with how its been ‘decorated’ :-)

My hair feels much better now, J has done a lovely job on it, met up with her mum too, my friend L, who had also been washed n blown ;-)

L & I went out for tea, always nice to sit and girly chat ;-) The pub was absolutely heaving, not been in a pub with such a buzz for many years, great to see! The girl who served us actually said “it wasn’t this busy on New Years Eve” !!

Back home just before 8, shopping away, got changed, just finished watched the documentary “Survivors of the Holocaust”
both chilling and heartwarming, what lives they have lived! Incredible portraits too!

Work in the morning, then off to the cinema with friend J to see Belfast, we are both looking forward to seeing it :-)

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