Marsupium Photography

By magi


WFH. Mostly stuck in front of zoom in an all day training session. The training was interesting and it is great to be able to take some time out to reflect. The lunchtime walk took we to the usual places. It was a lovely sunny winter day (the temperature weren't wintery but the angle of the sun was). I stopped in East Preston St Cemetery to take today's blip.

Just heard on the German news that Sweden has found its final nuclear waste repository. The nuclear waste needs to be stored safely for 100,000 years which is quite an inconceivably long time. The oldest building in Edinburgh, St Mary's Chapel, is from around 1130 - about 900 years old. Skara Brae is about 5000 years old. During the last glacial maximum, about 20,000 years ago most of Scotland was covered by an ice sheet. The first modern humans settled Australia about 50,000 years ago. Modern humans came out of Africa about 130,000 to 100,000 years ago. We cannot possibly have an idea what will happen in the next few decades, centuries, let alone millenia. Yet we produce problems that will remain problematic for that long. We are truly in the anthropocene. 

On a similar note but with great pleasure I note that one of my blip entries is in the blipfoto article on climate change. One of Rowan's dystopian December entries also features.

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