Sea wood
I found some snowdrops ! Buried under brambles so not the best photo. I was hoping to find more but not today.
Fletch woke up with a gurgly tum.. dosed him with his pink med and when we said "walkies" he was up and ready.
We drove down to Sea Wood. ( normally 15 minute but longer today as there were road works... they seem to be everywhere at the moment!)
We had the wood to ourselves. It was surprisingly quite breezy in places but we were well wrapped up. Quite a lot of trees had come down in storm Barra and in one place it must have been particularly strong as the trees were down like nine pins. The wood is well managed and the majority of the fallen trees had been sawn up to keep the paths clear.
We were almost leaving the wood when I found the snowdrops. I'll be on the watch for a better shot.
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