Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

The old closed St. Charles Borromeo

The Feast Day of St. Angela Merci.
I would like to say before I write anything, that this is not an axe grind against the bishop or any of the parishioners, nor is it a piece of sad mirror making for myself. Sometimes the Lord includes an opening of truth that I have to take to my heart too. It is sometimes for a very good reason, mainly to remind me to stay ever conscious of God's greatness and my need to stay a humble child of God as we believers are,  from whatever denomination we stem. Many are lost and need a true Christian friend to support them through a life crisis.
So in essence, this is the lovely old church building that is closed now, to all the Sacraments and beautiful Catholic Masses we once upon a time loved to attend, and sometimes struggled to attend. We realised within it's walls, the sinful state of our souls, alongside the merciful love of our Saviour Lord Jesus, Son of God, without whom our sins would have no other source of forgiveness, in the Catholic Sacramental sense. I grieve but don't actually weep for the loss of all the future christenings, weddings and funerals that could have taken place within these old  sacred brick and stone walls. I loved the Christmas Mass there and the Easter celebrations. I used to enjoy meeting familiar faces of like minded believers, many of whom were loyal to Jesus and devoted to Mother Mary. I am not a good example of a Holy Mass outside my home attender. Yet for those who also love the sense of community and the charity work and food bank people used to contribute towards, that is a significant and terrible loss. It will only be possible to re open the Church as a functioning consecrated building, if enough genuine Catholics can move into our neighbourhood. That is right, as the Church building is one thing and the actual human body  of Catholic believers is the Church Militant, as opposed to the Church Suffering in purgatory, who can benefit from our prayers and sufferings. I have hope for a miracle one way or another. Whatever the Lord sees as the best answer is the right one. Feeling homeless is not a nice feeling,  yet I remain thankful for the Holy Mass in Ireland  online, where I still feel a sense of welcome and respect for the Lord. 
I do not expect normally to write this much.
I took photos of trees and a delightful grey and white neighbourhood cat would walked up to me and looked very kind.
It is 9c outdoors.
Take great care and thank you for visiting my site today.

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