Slow progress

A disturbed night with a vivid dream about some sort of kidnapping or murder (can’t ever remember details of my dreams, indeed I’m rarely aware I have any), then woke with a sore throat and bad head. Took a lateral flow test but negative…it’s probably just a normal cold arriving.
Launched into the day at the office stuffed with a series of back to back online meetings. Definitely feeling under par but plugged on. Guess I’m also unsettled as my successor’s being appointed this week and it all feels a bit weird.
Down to Old College for a meeting that I was a bit fringe to until the last item which is opening up a larder full of cans of worms!
Dashed over to meet CR at Hotel du Vin for a pot of tea and a natter. Really like her and we had a great chat about all sorts which chirped me up no end. Home and had a quick leftover supper whilst A&N got takeaway pizzas from Rigatonis (very good they were too). A is constantly tired and wiped out at the moment, spending every evening collapsed on the sofa and not aspiring to much else at the weekend. I suspect she’s coming down with something too.
We’re making no progress with the dog jacket but she did manage a couple of lines…this is more of a desperation than an emergency blip!
Managed to keep my Duolingo Italian streak going….some of it is starting to sink in!

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