Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Highland Stoneware

EB tonight as I didn't take any pictures at all! I first came across Highland Stoneware in the early 80's when we were visiting friends in the Ullapool area. I bought a horrendously expensive small sized mug for Kathryn. It was a good investment as she still has it!
Since then I've aquired a few choice pieces over the years, my favourite being a very large platter of the Machair design. This vase is a more sensible size and sits on our mantle piece. I think it is a design called Seascape, it's a column shape, at the other end sits one with a more open top. They are so very Scottish and I love them.
Wednesday today and I was back in church for the first Wednesday service in a while. It was such a very peaceful time.
After that the peace was gone though as I shot from one place to another on various errands. I did make time to go to Craigie to pick up a chicken and ham pie for each of our three households, they are very highly recommended.
I picked up Isobel this afternoon and took her to Rainbows, she was so excited to be there, this was her second meeting. Next it was back to pick up Eilidh, her Brownies follows on immediately after.
We had a quiet evening after that, watched episode 1 of Detective McLean.
Keep safe and well folks, it seems ironic that after 2 years working in hospitals, it is only now that Katy picks up covid - from her unvaccinated daughters! Still they are all doing well, as she says, it had to happen!

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