Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Why did you bring this large, messy, noisy creature into our orderly home, mom? Or at least that’s what I imagine Charlie is thinking when he looks at Jax with the kind of disdain that only a cat can truly exude. Actually, Jax is quite intimidated by Charlie and the cat, knowing full well that he is in the dominate position, misses no opportunity to go after the dog who runs in fear.

Jax went to the vet this morning to get his heart worm test and also a quick weigh-in. He came it at 44 pounds which was pretty much what I expected. He was great at the vet - greeted everyone, explored everything, even trotted off with the tech when it was time to get his test. A far cry from our first trip several months ago.

It was bitter cold and windy today and Jax had no interest in going for a walk so we’ve just stayed in. Snow in the forecast for this weekend but this far out, who really knows.

I spent several hours researching MacBooks as I am getting ready to make the move. I’ve narrowed it down to the Pro or the Air, both 14 inch screens. A larger screen is tempting but also very weighty for traveling. And the reality is that when I’m in my office I’m hooked up to two large external screens so the laptop screen size isn’t that critical. Osuzanna has given me some great feedback and I’d welcome any other input.

Just pure, decadent dark today

Xo Debbi

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